Companion App Release Notes

Crowd Compass Companion App Version 1.2.0

Coming December 2024

Joining Groups Made Easy 📲 

  • Seamlessly add friends to a group created through Compass-to-Compass pairing via a QR code.
    • You need two Compasses to create the initial group, and this group is then shared. Creating groups with just the app is coming soon!
  • Note: This feature requires Compass Firmware 1.2.0.

Smarter Firmware Updates 🔄 

  • A new prompt will notify you when a firmware update is available and take you directly to the update section. 
  • No more manual checking! The update section will display if a new version is available and list all changes. Just click "Start update," and a progress bar will guide you through the process.
Progress update notifications on the app


LTE Performance Boost Bug Fix 🌐 

  • If your phone goes in and out of LTE connection, the LTE boost will automatically reconnect to your Crowd Compass.
    • Previously, if your phone lost and regained LTE connection, the app required a restart to give your Compass that LTE boost again. This is now automatic.
    • Reminder: You don't need LTE for your Compass to work, but we highly encourage you to turn this feature on for increased performance!

New Help Center 📖 

  • FAQs and step-by-step instructions are now right at your fingertips, making it easier than ever to use your Crowd Compass.

Dynamic Announcement Bar 🎉 

  • We’re introducing a dismissible announcement bar for location-specific updates, firmware updates, event announcements, and fun activities like scavenger hunts! Stay informed and entertained with this new feature.


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